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49468 No.796  

I fucking hate BLT
Seriously? Bacon, lettuce, and tomato? As if that isn't the worst FUCKING combo to ever exist.

First of all, bacon is delicious but you just ruin it with that fucking tomato. Like? 90% of the taste you're gonna get from that sandwich is FUCKING TOMATOES. The other 10% is bacon. Why would you even put lettuce in there? The lettuce is pointless. It's bland as hell and serves no sandwich purpose. "Oh it's for the texture." Shut the fuck up.

I can tell you right now that the texture of a BLT is like biting into a squirrel's rectum. Come back when you find half of your brain. Seriously though? A bacon and lettuce? Makes no fucking sense. You're fucking up the bacon.

Come back when your palate gets out of special ed.

>> No.797  

Imagine complaining about flavor.

Go eat a toast sandwich

>> No.798  

OP things butter and bread is high cuisine

>> No.803  

Sub in fried green tomatoes and thank me later

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