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Spiffy new painter!!!

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File: 1587698767096.png -(112190 B, 250x242) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
112190 No.470  
>be Monge
>use hamon to figure out where people inside burning building are so you can save them
>fall into a hole in the ground that wasn't there before
>find out that some dude dug the hole
>his gf calls your armor weird
>you tell hole digger he should practice digging holes somewhere else
>dude claims he's a noob at digging holes
>git gud scrub
>ditch digger doesn't want to git gud
>get ready to flame his ass as hard as Napoleon fucked the Austrians in his 1st Italian Campaign
>realize you're about to waste breath on an idiot so you try and get out of the hole
>use your stand to summon a pointy stick
>use hamon to make the stick extra long to reach the surface
>leave the two idiots behind, hoping they die and don't become revolutionaries
>mfw you get two steps closer to the 3rd French Empire
>> No.471  

Grandpa it’s past your bedtime

>> No.472  
File: 1587704794100.jpg -(368404 B, 828x602) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Yeah, whatever

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