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20891 No.304  

What the fuck was his deal?

>> No.310  

He didn't have sex

>> No.311  

Alright, pull up a chair and let me tell you Grant Bennett’s “deal.” Grant Bennett is type of character that appears in series when the author decides to brainstorm while high on meth, that or when they lose a bet. I won’t rule out the possibility that both could have occurred.

Whatever the cause, the outcome is one of the worst side characters in SM (yes, I’m including Lacey and Ezack). He is a rube and every second of his meager screen time is wasted on a character of his level. He has no feats, no meaningful interactions with other cast members; I can’t even begin to fathom why he would even be given such a garbled mess of story importance and total obscurity.

But really, think about him? What has he done? Do you remember the time he made himself invisible? Of course you do! We all do! It’s all he ever does. He’s so weak, yet the writers think that somehow he can beat Marty? I bet that’s why the skipped that fight in its entirety. Even they could justify him being useful.

>> No.312  

He is the author’s self insert so

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