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89983 No.199  

I'm one of the many Simonfags who don't actively voice my hatred for Tomato or Pizza Girl, but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Since they've appeared on the show, they have stolen the spotlight that rightfully belonged to Simon. Before then, Tol and Dad have both hinted at Simon achieving a new power that surpasses his Stand. But it seems as though they've dropped this for some unknown reason and it infuriates me to the point where it causes me to have mood swings which ultimately effect my personal life. It doesn't help that I come unto these threads and see the constant trolling that's done against Simon's character by multiple posters, including the Tomato fans. I know it's bait and all and I should ignore it, but I can't. I genuinely can't. I always attempt to respond to them with reasoning, but they immediately shut me down which angers me further. It made me take a two month break from the manga.

In that time, I rewatched some of my favorite Simon episodes from early IC arcs. From his filler episodes whilst training with Sgt. Pepper, to the last filler episode in IC where Simon fought Pizza Girl. It calmed me down, but alas, once I started reading the manga again, my despair returned.

I grew a connection with the character unlike any other. I typically self inserted as Simon, and would and still do feel that I am the character spiritually. This might sound autistic but I can't help but feel as though Killer had written Simon for me. He was the reason why I aimed for higher grades in school. I was pushed around, like Simon, but inside I had a dormant power that caused me to lash out and overpower my enemies.

But I digress. What Dad and Tol have done to Simon has been completely unacceptable. Purposely setting up for a return of the greatest character in this franchise only to have him sidelined for these dumb bitches who will become irrelevant in the next IC arc.

>> No.200  


You had it easy, OP, at least Simon is still a character. Now just take a look at one of my favorites, Bino. He's the reason I started reading IC, I mean, who doesn't fall in love with a magician at first sight? But it seems that Dio loves to toy with his fans' feelings. Now I understand that running a series is tedious work, and a lot of authors are even suffering severe health problems because of it. I also know about the competition between different authors and if a character gets cut out of the story due to low popularity, then so be it. However, this doesn't seem to be the case with Bino. His popularity is high enough that he remains a recurring character throughout IC, but every time he makes an appearance, Dio immediately goes into hiatus. How can this be? Is it because the character is unimportant? But with so many magic fans out there, I'm sure Bino has been steadily bringing in a lot of readers worldwide.

Which leads me to my main topic. Now I am not very familiar with the manga industry, but with how Bino has been treated by his author for the past few arcs, I have a growing suspicion that Dio is simply using this character to make money, money he uses for whatever hobbies he has - rumor has it that he is a huge fan of dragon quest and loves playing mahjong, and both are very time and money consuming activities. But anyway. As long as Bino stays in the series, he will keep making a profit by simply giving him an appearance, then he is free to on as many hiatuses as he likes until his funds run out.

Obviously this is all guesswork. Anyone who works in the industry is free to prove me wrong. I just can't stand seeing my boy getting shafted by his own author every single chapter.

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